Boomer & Me, A Memoir of Motherhood, and Asperger's by Jo Case


Child wearing a drawn on face mask on book cover on Boomer and Me - A memoir of motherhood, and Asperger's by Jo Case

Between juggling work, joint custody and the ordinary demands of motherhood, Jo tries to work out why her son Leo (aka Boomer) is finding it hard to fit in. His wit wins him friends, but the rituals of friendship like learning to compromise are proving challenging. Is it because he's an only child? Could he be gifted? When Leo is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, Jo fears what it means and sees herself, and her family, through new eyes. Trapped in a cycle of doubt and discovery, she wonders how you can stay true to who you are and fit in. What the hell is ‘normal' anyway? This is the bittersweet story of a twenty-first century family, and why being different isn't a disability it just takes some getting used to.

Judges' comments

Rich in detail, vivid and compelling, Boomer and Me records Case's life as a divorced parent of  Leo, an ebullient, determined boy struggling to fit in. With a sharp eye, Case observes the narrow world of schoolyard parents and playground bullies, the juggle of work and family, and the deep connection between mother and son. In its evocation of parental chaos it is hilarious, absorbing and frequently deeply moving.