Jan Richards AM

Portrait of Library Council member.

BA (Lib and Info Science), FALIA

Jan Richards is the Manager of Central West Libraries, a regional public library in central western NSW. Jan has been an active participant in professional library associations over many years and is a former President of the Australian Library and Information Association. She is currently Chair of the Australian Public Libraries Alliance and Chair of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Public Libraries Standing Committee. 

What made you want to take this position?

The State Library of New South Wales has been an integral part of my working life for longer than I care to remember; a source of information, support and inspiration. The opportunity to contribute to the continuous development of one of the world’s great libraries, and to showcase its amazing collections is an honour. The added bonus of being a member of the Library Council is being able to advocate for the fabulous initiatives of the NSW public library network through the Public Libraries Consultative Committee.