Upper Middle Bogan Season 1, Episode 8: The Nationals Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope


Upper Middle Bogan Season 1, Episode 8: The Nationals Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope


Upper Middle Bogan shows two worlds colliding when well-heeled anaesthetist Bess discovers she was adopted at birth. To her dismay, her biological family, the Wheelers, are cashed up bogans with a penchant for drag racing. In this episode, Bess has brought her own family (husband Danny, privately schooled twin teens, and posh adoptive mother) to a major drag race to support Team Wheeler. Bess’ family is not thrilled to be here, especially as it is Bess and Danny’s wedding anniversary. But Bess is also not feeling the love from her biological family. When she tries to buy Team Wheeler out of engine trouble, her generosity backfires, threatening this new-found relationship. 

The challenges of writing comedy are often underrated and, ironically, a strong narrative comedy script achieves success by masking these difficulties. Butler and Hope have successfully created an entertaining, tightly written closing episode, filled with hilarious action and cracking dialogue. Although exaggerated, all characters — and there are many to be serviced — are bedded in reality. The ‘clash of classes’ theme could easily be a one-joke gag, but Upper Middle Bogan goes deeper. The writers have infused their humorous plot with pathos and warmth, reminding us that the importance of family resonates beyond social class.