Connect, learn more and support Papua New Guinea

Topic: Connections shape perceptions: Perceptions of Papua new Guinea
Student activity
Geography: Year 5 and 6

This is the student activity 1 of 4 of the A diverse and connected world: Papua New Guinea learning activity.

Task No. 1

Responding - Connect, learn more and support Papua New Guinea

Seek out opportunities to speak with young people from Papua New Guinea. Students can do this by contacting schools in Papua New Guinea and establishing an opportunity for electronic communication or through video conferencing.

Write a list of questions you may like to ask the students.

Discover what daily life is like in Papua New Guinea and how it is similar or different to our lives in Australia.

Explore connections between Australia and Papua New Guinea.

Read more about the work of Australian International Doctors (ADI) and the work they do in Papua New Guinea.

Write a report about one of the doctors who volunteers in Papua New Guinea. Where are they from?  Where did they travel within PNG?  How did they get around?  What did they do while they were there?  Why did they volunteer?

Consider fundraising for the ADI. Students could run in one of the organised fun runs they offer, create an event with funds going to ADI or raise funds at a stall at school or at a school or community fete.