Natural and human features of Papua New Guinea

Topic: Connections shape perceptions: Perceptions of Papua new Guinea
Student activity
Geography: Year 5 and 6

This is the student activity 1 of 4 of the A diverse and connected world: Papua New Guinea learning activity.

Task No. 1

Papua New Guinea


Study the flag of Papua New Guinea in the resource download and, with a partner, answer the following questions:


What symbols have been used?

What colours are used?

How is it similar to the Australian flag?


What do you think the symbols represent?

What do you think the colours represent?

Prior knowledge

With a partner, share your knowledge and understanding of the natural landscapes, people and culture of Papua New Guinea. Complete the Knowledge column of Table 1.

Task No. 2

Questions for inquiry

  • How are our perceptions and understandings of Papua New Guinea formed and developed?
  • What factors influence our perception and understanding?
  • How can we challenge stereotypical thinking and generalisations about the people and places of Papua New Guinea?
Task No. 3

Formulating ideas about Papua New Guinea

As a class view Source 1 and Source 2. Source 1 is a video from ABC Television’s Behind the News about Papua New Guinea’s celebration of 40 years of Independence. Source 2 is a World Vision production which examines health and well being in Papua New Guinea. Use the questions to guide discussion.

Source 1: ABC TV Behind the News – PNG Independence 

Source 2: World Vision country profile and health scenario

What organisation has made each video?

Who is the audience of each video?

What information is presented in each video?

What language is used to describe the people and issues of Papua New Guinea? Is it persuasive? Does it alter your perceptions?

How does each video make you feel?

How do you think a young person in Papua New Guinea might feel after watching each video?

Task No. 4

Aspects of Papua New Guinea from 1849 to the present day

Dance, Brumi Island, New Guinea
Stills from 'Assault on Salamaua'

Students analyse Sources 3 to 10 ( in the downloadable resource) that present different aspects of the natural and human features of Papua New Guinea from 1849 to the present day. Students record their observations into Table 2 attached in the download resource.