Personal, local and national scales

Topic: Australian Places
Student activity
Geography: Year 1 and Year 2

This is the student activity 1 of 4 of the People and places: Australian places learning activity.

Task No. 1

Personal scale

As a class engage with Google Maps to locate students’ homes. Zoom in to see their street and house at the personal scale.

As a home task, take photos of your homes including internal and external features. For example, kitchens, bedrooms, front yards, balconies, gardens, carports, front doors and letter boxes.

Using the photos you have taken of your house, create a personal photo collage of your home at the personal scale.

Task No. 2

Local Scale

Locate places at the local scale using Google maps, for example, the local school, shops and parks.

Go for a walking tour of your local area. Take photos of the local features and mark their location on a map. Features to observe are buildings such as: banks; shops; and the post office. Also not roads; public and private transport; managed parks and bushland.

As a class, add the fieldwork photos to a large map of the local area.

Task No. 3

National scale

Revisit the story Are We There Yet by Alison Lester. As a class, use the Internet and collect images of places Grace's family visited while travelling around Australia.

Create a wall display or photo collage of national places.