Connections between Australia and Papua New Guinea

Topic: A diverse and connected world
Student activity

This is the student activity 1 of 5 of the Australia's global connections - Papua New Guinea learning activity.

Task No. 1

Past connections between Australia and Papua New Guinea

Stills from 'Assault on Salamaua'

Download the resource and analyse the 2 pictures here. Write into the the speech bubbles. 

About the sources

Source 12: Famous scene of wounded soldier Private William Oswald Wallace Johnson being helped across a creek and led along a muddy track by Sergeant Gordon Raymond Charles. From the Damien Parer film, The Assault of Salamaua, 1943.  

Source 13: Battle of Kokoda veteran Len Griffiths meets Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel and Kokoda Village Chief Benjamin Ijumi at the conclusion of the commemorative service for the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kokoda. Kokoda and Beachheads battles 70th anniversaries commemorative visit by Dept of Veteran's Affairs (Australia) available at under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0. Full terms at

Task No. 2

Future connections between Australia and Papua New Guinea

Visit of Governor-General of Papua-New Guinea

In 1978, the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea and the Governor of New South Wales discussed the friendship and positive relationship between the two countries.  Source 14: Visit of the Governor-General of Papua New Guinea and wife to Government House, Sydney with the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Roden Cutler and Lady Helen Cutler, 1978. 

Place yourself at Government House today. With a partner, write the conversation between yourselves and a young person from Papua New Guinea. In the conversation include discussions on: Education, health, people, aid, sport, business, roads and infrastructure, tourism, future directions.