Researching Mary Reibey

Topic: The Australian Colonies in the 1800s
Student activity
History: Year 5

This is the student activity 1 of 2 of the Significant individuals: Mary Reibey learning activity.

Task No. 1

Researching Mary Reibey

Use the downloadable resource to conduct your own research and fill out the biography planner for Mary Reibey.

Task No. 2

Extension Task: This is Your Life!

Fill in the script below. You may be able to present your episode of  'This is Your Life' to your class. 

Script for 'This is Your Life'

Presenter: Good evening and welcome to 'This is Your Life'.
My name is __________________ and tonight we're honouring one the most important personalities in Australian history. Tonight our Guest of Honour is Mary Reibey.

[Write 3 descriptive sentences that tell us about the achievements of Mary Reibey's life]


Presenter: Right now our unsuspecting Guest of Honour is enjoying a quiet dinner in a restaurant just across the road! Let's go surprise them, shall we?
Hello Mary. This is your Life!

Mary: Oh my goodness! I can't believe it! How exciting!
[Add more comments your historical personality would say, maybe a famous quote associated with them]

Presenter: Yes it is exciting, because tonight we are going to hear about your most significant achievements from ____ [number of speakers] of the most important people in your life. [You can have as many speakers as you like, use a logical sequence for your speakers to appear in, such as the time at which they appeared in the person's life].

Speaker #1: [Say who you are and talk about important events and achievements in the life of Mary Reibey, which this speaker would know about]


Presenter: Thank you __________________________ for the interesting information, And now we will hear from our second speaker.

Speaker #2: [Say who you are and talk about important events and achievements in the life of Mary Reibey, which this speaker would know about as a participant, observer or correspondent with Mary.]


Presenter: Thank you __________________________. Well that was a fascinating story!
And now we will hear from our third speaker. Do you recognise this person?

Speaker #3: [Say who you are and talk about important events and achievements in the life of Mary Reibey, which this speaker would know about as a participant, observer or correspondent with Mary].


Presenter: Thank you _____________________ . And now we will hear from Mary Reibey who is going to tell us the story of the greatest achievement of her life. Over to you Mary Reibey.

Mary Reibey: [Write about 100 words that sum up the greatest achievements in the life of Mary Reibey and explain why they have become a famous personality in Australian history].


Presenter: Wow! What an amazing story! Did you really do that? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is no wonder that Mary Reibey is recognised as one of the most important people in Australian history.
Well we've come to the end of this week's edition of 'This is Your Life'. I hope you at home enjoyed the show, and we hope our Guest of Honour, Mary Reibey enjoyed reviewing her life.

To help you remember these moments, here is your own copy of your life! [Hand over book to Guest of Honour]

Thank you all for watching and we'll see you again next time for another exciting episode of 'This is Your Life'.