Rules and imperative sentences

Student activity
Task No. 1

Rules and imperative sentences

Before you begin

Many of you will already know a lot about road safety. This activity asks you to firstly record your pre-existing knowledge and then add to this knowledge with some research.

Choose ONE of the aspects of road safety listed below or a topic of your own choice.

Aspects of road safety:

  • when you are travelling in the car
  • when wearing a seatbelt
  • use of car seats and booster seats
  • when travelling near a school
  • riding a bike or scooter
  • getting in and out of a car
  • crossing the road
  • using the footpath
  • crossing at traffic lights
  • crossing at pedestrian crossings
  • wearing a helmet
  • recognising and responding to road signs
  • using mobile phones or other devices while driving
  • baby and toddler safety in and around cars pet safety in and around cars
  • the presence of loose objects in cars
  • any other aspect of road safety

Make a list of all the road safety rules and information that you already know about this topic.

Add to this list of road safety rules and information by researching this topic online.

Record the bibliographical details of the sites and sources of information you use to research your chosen aspect of road safety.

You might begin with search terms such as “road safety for kids” or “road safety rules”.

Distracting the driver

It is important to avoid distracting the driver while the car is moving. Your behaviour in the car could make an important difference in preventing an accident.

Road safety experts remind passengers that the car goes wherever the eyes of the driver goes.

Make a list of behaviours by passengers that might distract the driver while you are travelling in traffic.

Express these ideas as rules using imperative sentences. Consider what passengers should and should not do while the driver is operating the car.

For example:

  • DO speak quietly.
  • DO keep your seat belt fastened until the car has stopped moving.


  • DON’T throw objects in the car.
  • DON’T kick the back of the driver’s seat.

Use the handout, available as a downloadable resource, to help you organise your existing knowledge and research.