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Charles Boydell - journal, 1830-1835 1830 - 1835

By Charles Boydell
Jackey's mother & Father staid for some days by the grave making the [XXXXXX] thin bed, the mother never left it for some days after. When one of her relations went to look for her she was found dead at the place, the cause of which was most undoubtedly grief. She was buried by his side. Aug. 1833. Within the last two or three days 'Old Times' (the father) [of] the Aboriginal who tried whether Jackey's grave was or was not proper and who received the body and placed it in the grave, has despatched this life, from the same disease caught at the time of the funeral and every one of them who assisted at the funeral has been attacked. 26th Aug. 1833.
Call Number:
A 2014
Published date:
1830 - 1835