Information about sound and video recordings

Find out which sound and video formats we can copy, and what kinds of digital file you can order.

Types of digital files we supply

Library staff can choose the best type of digital file to send you. We supply files that are suitable for most personal or research use.

If you have specific requirements (for example, for production use), let us know when placing your order. We'll confirm the details and availability with you.

Types of format we copy

The Library uses in-house staff and external providers to digitise collection items, using specialised equipment for each format. We can transfer most consumer and professional sound and video formats to digital files.

We can not transfer some rare formats, but we're always looking for ways to add more.

Motion picture film

We can copy the following formats:

  • 35mm with or without optical or magnetic stripe soundtrack
  • 16mm with or without optical or magnetic stripe soundtrack

All 16mm and 35mm films are over-scanned maintaining full frame at 2K resolution (2048x1556 pixels).

Scans are overall one-light with no colour correction. In some cases, 4k scans may be available.


We can copy the following formats:

  • Betamax (Hi-Fi/PAL)
  • Betacam (SP/SX)
  • Digital Betacam (SP)
  • U-Matic (SP/PAL)
  • DVCPro (50/25), DVCAM, DV, MiniDV.

All videotapes are digitised as standard definition, maintaining original aspect ratio and frame rate.

This is typically 720x576i at 25fps for PAL video, except in the case of digital tape formats. These are transferred at their native resolution.


We can copy the following formats:

  • compact cassette
  • micro-cassette
  • mini-cassette
  • ¼” open reel (2-track)
  • digital audio tape (commonly referred to as DAT).

All audiotapes are digitised at 48kHz, 24-bit except in the case of DATs which are transferred at their original resolution.

In some cases, 96kHz files may be available.

Gramophone discs

We can copy the following formats:

  • up to 16-inch diameter
  • 33 1/3 rpm, 45 rpm, 78 rpm
  • coarse groove, microgroove.

All gramophone discs are digitised at 96kHz, 24-bit.

DVD video, CD audio or MiniDisc

All DVD video, CD audio and MiniDiscs use direct data extraction to transfer to a digital file, keeping the original quality.

Born digital video or audio

This is where the Library has originally acquired the title as a digital file.

While we retain a copy in its original quality, the standard files we provide may be reduced to an appropriate standard for personal and research use.

Order now

Contact us if you have any questions.