Collection Item 
Facies una hemisphaerii terrestris : Facies altera hemisphaerii Terrestris / [Johan Zahn]

Facies una hemisphaerii terrestris : Facies altera hemisphaerii Terrestris / [Johan Zahn] 1696

By Johan Zahn

Created by Johann Zahn, a natural philosopher and member of a Roman Catholic religious order at Würzburg, this set of maps presents the world in two hemispheres. Although containing a number of curiosities, such as the portrayal California as an island, its depiction of the geography of the earth is not particularly innovative for the time. Rather, these maps are prized for the delicately engraved illustrations that border the hemispheres. The 12 symbols of the zodiac are pictured in a band above the earth. In the bottom corners of the map are allegorical representations of the four seasons.

Collection Item Type:
Call Number:
M3 100/1696/1
Published date: