Vegetation and rainfall

Topic: Different environments: Australian vegetation types
Student activity
Geography: Years 3 and 4

This is the student activity 1 of 5 of the The earth's environment: vegetation types learning activity.

Red desert
Task No. 1

Vegetation and rainfall

Using a Google Earth satellite image of Australia students explore the vegetation cover.

On Map 1 in he download resource use an overlay map to plot the average annual rainfall with data from the Bureau of Meterology Annual Rainfall map, using simplified terms and the colours of the BOM rainfall map

  • dark blue = very high rainfall (over 2000mm)
  • blue = high (1000–2000mm)
  • green = moderate (300–1000mm)
  • yellow = low (0–300mm)

In the downloadable resource, draw a line from each vegetation type to its location on the map.