Getting to the Library

Discover the best ways to travel to the Library, including public transport, places to park a car and where to leave a bike.

Your transport options


The nearest stations are Martin Place (250 metres from the Library), Wynyard (450m) and St James (550m).


The nearest ferry stop is Circular Quay (700m).


Many buses stop a short distance from the Library.

If you’re a visitor to Sydney, some sightseeing buses stop outside the Library on Macquarie Street.


The nearest parking station is at Sydney Hospital, on Hospital Road (300m).

There are other parking stations on Macquarie Street.

Please note that the Library does not have an accessible drop-off zone. Some accessible parking spaces are available within 300 metres of the Library.


Bicycle parking is available outside the Macquarie Street building entrance, outside the Library cafe.


The nearest pick-up and drop-off point is at the top of Hunter Street, about 50 metres from the Macquarie Street building entrance.

Plan your trip at Transport NSW